
Chariots of Fire: A Tibetan Historical Perspective
CreateSpace Publishing: 2014
Recommended Reading: "Agency & Strategy in Non-Western Political Thought" Week Six- St.Andrew's University Scotland

Minxin Pei: Listed among his five books on his favourites list via the Sacramento Bee newspaper in late 2014. "Pei has been a contributor to a number of periodicals, including The China QuarterlyThe New York Times,[4] Foreign PolicyChina TodayThe Diplomat,[5] and Foreign Affairs,[6] and a frequent guest commentator on CNN, and National Public Radio, among others." --Wikipedia

This is a book that is a kind of hand-book for Tibetan's or those who may have an interest in the historical background of Tibet that has led to the current situation.  The cover on the right was designed by Leyre Castro a Spanish artist who ironically has travelled to Ladakh and experienced Tibetan culture and provided a few photos that are included. So, I said to Leyre, design a chariot with the industrialism of a Hummer to illustrate Beijing's forcefulness within Tibet and their strength to maintain control at all costs. She came up with this concept and I offered suggestions here and there. It is an ugly cover like the situation in Tibet.

China's Nationalist Policies Obscuring Reality in Tibet

CreateSpace Publishing: 2017

This is a follow up with an up to date account of the situation in Tibet. A sort of "White Paper" if you will.

"Kevin was one of my best students at the University of Waterloo. His sharp political insights and shrewd analyses could be seen in his commentaries on a whole range of issues, including Tibet's development and relations with the central government in Beijing. His works are provocative, insightful, critical and penetrating."

Dr. Sonny Shui Hing Lo 
The Education University of Hong Kong 
10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po
New Territories, Hong Kong 
Dr. Lo was simply the hardest working Professor that I have come across and is so well informed in the realm of Political Science and International Studies. Sonny is a prolific author of many full length books on Asian politics and is a regular columnist on Macau and Hong Kong affairs in Southeast Asia.  

The Politics of Policing in Greater China

Sonny Shui Hing Lo


China's New United Front Work in Hong Kong/ June 26, 2018. Dr. Lo.