There is always impeachment

A few years ago I wrote here that that we ought not fear "the Trump Train." That was in the early part of the Trump administration, and, as they were finding their feet, as it were. Now, the turnover in the Oval Office has been continual during this period and has taken on a much more hawkish tone than I would've expected with or without, Rex Tillerson as the lone dove.   I believed that, ultimately, Congress would hold Trump's feet to the fire and they appear to be doing that, however, this is a House of Representatives and Senate controlled by the Republican party with the former in perpetual campaign mode and the latter focussing on strengthening their base of support. Gone is the ballast in the Senate with the passing of John McCain. 

Currently, Canada is embroiled with the United States in renegotiating NAFTA. Pres. Trump is making all kinds of veiled threats that Canada ought to get a deal done with America as quickly as possible to avoid being ostracized and left out of the agreement, entirely. Prime Minister Trudeau has indicated that the Chapter 19 Dispute Resolution which allows companies to have their grievances heard by a independent arbiter, is a nonstarter and must remain within the framework of NAFTA. And why not, because, if we channel Justin's dad Pierre Elliott Trudeau who famously quipped during his period as P.M. that living beside America was like sleeping with an elephant. And this elephant has a very poor attitude towards the international community regarding international relations, trade, and thinks nothing of coalescing with enemies of the state such as Russia, North Korea and one might even say  Syria, damn the Tomahawks. This is a president who will face impeachment if America turns left and hands Congress over to the Democrats after this Falls Midterm Elections. Trump is being implicated for Russia's interference in the 2016 election in which he was successful and all signs point to his involvement with Russian interests prior to that election. Therefore, Trump will be very fortunate to survive his first term in office without handing the keys over to VP Mike Pence. In my humble opinion, the future of the Republican Party would have been best left in the hands of Ohio Governor, John Kasich or Marco Rubio – a current Florida senator. It will be totally honourable for Prime Minister Trudeau to completely slow this process down with America regarding NAFTA out of respect for the principles of fair negotiation between nation-states and maybe, more importantly, to send a message to Donald Trump that you cannot insult your neighbours, you cannot bully your neighbours, and expect them to turn the other cheek,no fuzz intended. Canadians are humble, intelligent, and we love our neighbours as we with them during 911. But, everyone has a limit. 

Canadian negotiator Chrystia Freelend is feeling the heat what with Mexico ratifying their portion of the agreement. Imagining a trade agreement sans Mexico and the United States seems anathemetic to Canadian interests, financially and culturally. However, Canada can turn to the U.K. in a post Brexit world for trade, strengthen ties with China, Taiwan, Japan and Asia, while improving trade with South America and Africa. This, no doubt, will provide a strength of wills to create trade outside America, who is Canada's neighbour,  largest trading partner and will be in America's crosshairs in a NAFTA without the "N." 

Currently, former FBI Chief, Robert Mueller holds the balance of power in prosecuting those held accountable in the Trump fiasco. Paul Mannafort, former Chairman of the Trump campaign  has been charged with 8 counts of bank and tax fraud, harkening back to Trump University on a feather weight scale.
Democrat's would rather not talk about Trump & impeachment until after the mid-terms in  November for fear of motivating his base to get out the vote. In addition, a "spring NPR survey found independent voters especially would be more likely to vote against a candidate pushing for impeachment."

If this is a November to remember in the political chop - shop for the Democratic Party, there is always a new reality show beckoning Donald Trump, "Lifestyles of the Rich and Imperious."

History and Practise
The Senate's Impeachment Role 
The United States Constitution provides that the House of Representatives "shall have the sole Power of Impeachment" (Article I, section 2) and that "the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments .... [but] no person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present" (Article I, section 3). The president, vice president, and all civil officers of the United States are subject to impeachment.
The concept of impeachment originated in England and was adopted by many of the American colonial governments and state constitutions. At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the framers considered several possibilities before deciding that the Senate should try impeachments.
Impeachment is a very serious affair. This power of Congress is the ultimate weapon against officials of the federal government, and is a fundamental component of the constitutional system of “checks and balances.” In impeachment proceedings, the House of Representatives charges an official by approving, by majority vote, articles of impeachment. A committee of representatives, called “managers,” acts as prosecutors before the Senate. The Senate Chamber serves as the courtroom. The Senate becomes jury and judge, except in the case of presidential impeachment trials when the chief justice of the United States presides. The Constitution requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate to convict, and the penalty for an impeached official is removal from office. In some cases, disqualification from holding future offices is also imposed. There is no appeal.

Since this period, President Trump has survived the effects of the Mueller report. However, his attempt to enlist the Ukrainian President,Volodymyr Zelenskiy help, only a few months later to obtain wrongdoing by former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, who was on the board of a Ukrainian energy company exacerbates his diminished credibility.  That the American president was withholding foreign aid to Ukraine makes this situation more serious than what was witnessed during Watergate and President Nixon. Trump, lacking poor political judgement, even went further by publicly asking the Chinese authorities to investigate the Biden's, as well. U.S. Congress led by Nancy Pelosi has begun impeachment proceedings and this will surely pressure the Republican controlled Senate to pass impeachment as public opinion polls indicate Americans are in favour of impeachment. Joe Biden would present the clearest threat to a second term for President Trump in next years U.S. election. Two whistle-blowers have come forward with knowledge of the phone call between both President's implicating Trump and making impeachment a "when" and  not an "if" proposition. Meanwhile Mr Trump has spent personally on a lavish ad to try and sway public opinion. For the long term prospects of the Republican Party, and America's reputation internationally, Senate leader, Mitch McConnell must put aside partisan interests and do what is best for America. The Trump era is over. Best for all, if he will resign before im-peachment. He will get his Presidential library, though at 73 has little time to rehabilitate his image, unlike Richard Nixon who was almost 51 when he resigned. Perhaps Mr Trump can go into exile in Russia,  or Taiwan for a short period. It seems he will be unwelcome in New York or in Palm Beach, Florida  his residence at his Mar - a - Lago estate. 

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