Saudi Arabia Abusing Canada's "Soft Power" Sept/2018

Saudi Arabia is a provincial nation - state! Reclusive to Canadians and Westerners; a source of bliss to Saudi's who revile in their Islamic roots and host to Mecca, the Vatican of the Muslim community. Such is life in the desert, a hot climate and energy centric economy. No fear of "Dutch Disease" here, though Saudi's rulers do see the need to diversify their exports for the time when the taps run dry. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is governed by an autocratic Kingdom  that aspires to an archaic system of Islam-- Sharia law.  

Freedom of speech is a premise that has been around, oh, since Socrates addressed the Athenian court in 399 BCE indicating his respect for a higher being than they.  Human Rights are something that is entrenched in the Canadian way of life. Canadians went to war to fight for these rights and uphold them, ensconced in our Charter of Rights and Freedom's - former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau's signature policy victory during his administration. Canadians are polite to a fault. We lack the sizzle to the steak and probably are the potato on the plate happy to be beside the sizzling piece of meat  that is the main course. Moreover, we're a caring bunch, us Canucks and the social media gods are providing that vehicle to express "that" level of caring on an international level. 

The "magna quaestio" for political leaders is how to let their PR people do their jobs, as prescribed. Governing isn't a popularity contest and it was said that the best leader is someone who has everybody ticked off with them a little bit at the same time. Herein lies the problem, political leaders and Heads of State seem more fulfilled using social media to elicit their opinions, and file condolences etc. that lack the typical strength of an official statement. So, when Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland weighed in on the situation in Saudi Arabia that is connected with one of our own, the Saudi's cried foul as if they were the ones being beheaded. Imagine that! 

Canada has been on the receiving end of Saudi scorn in the form of sanctions vis- a- vis   Freeland who criticised the Kingdom over it's human rights follies on Twitter regarding the arrest of a women's rights activist with ties to Canada.  Canada is a signatory to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights but will pick her poison where appropriate. Moreover, Canada signing the CPTPP trade agreement which includes China is almost blasphemous what with the horrendous conditions inside Tibet. Now, Saudi Arabia after expelling the Canadian Ambassador, forcing visiting students to leave, a halt on all  new trade and investment, along with flights in and out of Toronto will be happy to sell us what it mostly has available to sell - crude oil.  Saudi's Energy Minister says hey, don't worry, oil sales won't be affected. Ironically, Canada has enough energy deposits in Alberta, Newfoundland, along with America pumping at record levels now is a good time to tell these rogue sheikhs to go to sand. We will manage just fine. But there is more, as always in international relations, as University of Waterloo Political Science Professor Bessma Momani reports in August 10, 2018 Globe and Mail “In my opinion, the Saudi move was likely cleared by Washington D.C. and at minimum the Trump administration was given a heads-up of Saudi actions,” Ms. Momani said. “Keep in mind, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has a budding relationship with Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son in-law and adviser.” So, Canada is caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, which bodes well for the governing Liberal Party's popularity at home. So, far Canada's allies are  mute. In 1.5 years the world has gone from reasonable multilateral relationships to a group of pirates defending their own interests.  

A Canadian company has a deal in place with the Saudi's for light armoured vehicles worth around 15 billion. The Liberal government has to reconcile this arms deal against the back-drop of Human Rights. Seems a bit disingenuous. Ditto for the trade agreement with Asia while Tibetans suffer inside a Chinese gulag. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is gaining props for his calm handling of Donald Trump and now the Saudi leadership.   Canada has not retaliated to Saudi sanctions because, frankly, Canada is brimming with "soft power" that the Saudi's can only hope for i.e. education, health care,  Canada's Wonderland to name a few... and water.  

The Globe & Mail reports on 28.8.18 that S.A. has relented and is allowing medical trainees to stay in Canada. How appropriate to further these students that will return home with their education completed, while costing Canadian's jobs and opportunities in the process. Time for the Prime Minister to step up and have those trainees return to S.A. A.S.A.P. You can't have it both ways, S.A. Live by the sword...

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