Constructs of Political Associations
Dating back to neolithic times, the family unit consisted of a hierarchy, as it does to the present time. Traditionally the male was the hunter- gatherer and the female raised the family. Politically, we might say that the female was the matriarch and was responsible for the principle decisions affecting the family unit. As societies developed, the males consolidated power in villages and city centres to govern the masses, primarily through economic policies and judicially for those individuals guilty of criminal wrong-doing. As societies continued to develop and expand and with the emergence of sovereign nation - states, in many cases families emerged through wealth to lay claim to the land that they inhabited. In these instances there are the British royal family that dates back to King Alfred the Great in 871. Germany hosted King William I of Prussia since 1871 at the Palace of Versailles until 1918 when the crown was abolished. Suffice it to say, the history of royal families is rooted in Europe, though, Japan, with Emperor Jimmu dates to 660 BCE. In addition, the Chinese monarchy was founded by Genghis Khan in 1206 CE and still exists in one form or another until 2015 (Puren.) One can say that today, Princeling's in the Chinese Central Government are the Party's Crown Prince's and have a hereditary linkage to acclaimed members of the Communist Party. Current President Xi Jinping is considered a Princeling as his father- Xi Zhongxun was a founding principal figure of the CPC (Communist Party of China.) Despite the move away from royal governing parties in the 20th c. there exists a small influential group that govern within a democratic frame-work without gaining wealth in an authoritarian manner, though, those individuals who gained neither fame nor wealth, would argue other-wise. For purposes here, the goal is to look at political families through their forms or constructs in a current sense and whether those groups retain any relevance in the international community or within the borders of their nation - state.
Terrorist Groups
Terrorism, particularly in the late 20th c and early 21st c has taken on a formula stoked in globalisation. Al Qaeda reached sympathisers internationally, while Islamic State through social media and the Internet recruited fighters and support people, including "brides" for those fighters on the front lines in Iraq, Syria, and elsewhere. The entire Islamic fundamentalist oeuvre spread to North America and other regions. Islamaphobia is a term that recognises those individuals or groups that are xenophobic toward immigrants from Muslim nation-states. Canada, France, Britain and other nation-states have had to contend with the effects of multiculturalism on their existing societal norms, while it is fair to say that most immigrants are thankful for a fresh start in a developed democracy that fosters human rights and equality. Terrorism, according to the 'Dictionary of International Relations', dates terrorism to 7th CE : "Muslim world of the assassins." The description of the dictionary cites that the rapid expansion of technological development and through the aforementioned social media and the Internet. The constructs of terrorism splits into state - actors and non state actors. If political ideology is considered, Communist regimes that wield unchecked power without an electorate to check their social policies are guilty of mass human rights abuses that non state actors could never achieve in terms of sheer numbers of victims. In a recent example, Islamic State acted as a hybrid state actor and non state actor with cells operating indiscriminately on a global level with no regard for the security or political systems in the nation state that they are occupying, no matter if the host regime is authoritarian or democratic. Terrorist groups include White Supremacist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan but not the Nazi Party per se, with white nationalist groups sprouting up in European nations and the developed world. Japan, somewhat xenophobic, has minimal issues with Aum Shinrikyo responsible for sarin gas attacks in 1995 and is labeled a terrorist organization by the United States, Canada, and the European Union. Hezbollah is an Islamic nationalist group with its roots in Lebanon that promoted the unification of the Shia interest groups with Iranian support. Hezbollah does provide for basic services similar to the local government, while supporting the Assad regime in Syria and conversely opposing Israel's legitimacy as a sovereign entity. The Liberation Tigres of Tamil Eelam were a Tamil nationalist group advocating for the separation from Sri Lanka. This group had claimed to support the Geneva Convention, yet, executed prisoners of war, while using women and children in conflict. The Black Tigres were an elite division of the main group, that carried out suicide bombings where martyrdom was considered honourable; they were one of the first groups to use hidden explosive belts and vests. The group was militarily defeated in 2009. If we look at the figures of terrorism related activities from 2016 - 2016 the number of hostage takings has dropped dramatically from 15,664 to 8937. Turkey, Yemen, Syria and Iraq recorded significant reductions in attacks. The root cause it would seem is the spike in Islamic fundamentalIsm if Near East nation states that may or may not be owing to Islamic State and Al Qaeda propaganda efforts through social media or other outlets. In addition, the combined efforts of allied countries to combat these attacks would have appeared to led to the downturn in these numbers. Therefore, in this stage of terrorism, the antidote to managing terrorism is a concerted effort by nation states coordinated by desire and not ideology to mitigate against these attacks that threaten and undermine the civil population. Globalization in this context is necessary contrary to the nationalist fervour that has spread internationally, particularly in economic matters.
Authoritarian Regimes
China under Mao proscribed The Great Leap Forward (50 million plus lives lost) and the Cultural Revolution ( 3 million plus lives lost according to British researchers) , the FSU ((Former Soviet Union)) (under Stalinism over 20 million died through "labour camps, forced collectivization, famine, and executions" and Cambodia under Pol Pot (1.5 - 3 million died under the Khmer Rouge) were responsible for campaigns against their own citizens that resulted in mass loss of life. China claiming education centres in Xinjiang Province of ethnic Uyghurs and North Korea with documented gulags are two of the current great offenders of human rights abuses. In 2013, the CCP under Xi Jinping formulated the "Communique on the Current State of the Ideological Sphere" that summoned Party members to dispute seven "false ideological trends" that imagine democracy in a dystopian manner. The list includes: "Western constitutional democracy, the concept of universal values, civil society, neoliberalism, free and independent media, questioning the authenticity of contemporary Chinese socialism, and historical nihilism."1 The current strife in Hong Kong regarding the 'Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation Bill 2019' is seen as a move away from Hong Kong's established judicial system towards an authoritarian decree that potentially puts opponents of the Chinese state at risk and may ultimately see those individuals returned to the mainland to face charges under the Chinese justice system. Currently, as a reference point, China has detained two Canadian's on potential espionage charges and converted another sentence from 15 years to a death penalty for drug trafficking. The arbitrariness stems from the arrest by Canadian officials of Huawei executive- Meng Wanzhou for her role in attempting to sell U.S. equipment to Iran in violation of American sanctions. The Meng extradition to American authorities is before the Canadian courts. The crux of the matter is the arbitrariness of the Chinese judicial system, in particular, and authoritarian regimes, in general. Of course, the most widely recognizable example of the horrors of authoritarianism rests with The Third Reich of Nazi Germany and The Holocaust that was an attempt at ethnic cleansing of the Jewish population, resulting in approximately six million Jewish deaths. Considered in a similar vein, though, not as widespread in the horror through Hitler's concentration camps, is the policy of Apartheid in South Africa (1948-1994) and the current situation in Gaza and the West Bank of Palestinians.
Established Democracies
The heading in a historical sense is a bit of an oxymoron considering that democracy had to emanate from a source of struggle. Thomas Hobbes probably said it best when referring to the state of nature "... a war of everyman against everyman." Hobbes was referring to the self interested nature of individuals in an embryonic sort of state which through development of governmental structures, ameliorates the greater good of all their citizens. What then of government in any form? Self-interested or well meaning? America is seeing a President that is being held in check by the Judiciary and Congress that would have deleterious affects on citizens if not enshrined in the 'Constitution of the United States. Therefore, the spectre of democracy may not seem, at first blush, all that different from authoritarianism. Under the hood, however, the notion of human rights is the bedrock of the system of democracy that includes: freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, etc. For the text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, check this link: Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
If we consider the notion of "Political Families"constructs in political associations, this begins from a nascent position in society and extends beyond ideology. Recently and particularly, since the the founding of the United Nations in 1945 and the advent of collective security, indicates that family structures are still prevalent in the international community regardless of ideology. The essence of politics is premised on the association of individuals in forwarding their own interest through the assimilation of other like-minded individuals. The small group of individuals comprises government officials and they are recognized as the voice of the entire population. The royal family of Great Britain has hosted leaders from all walks of life including authoritarian regimes from Romania that was led by the Nicolai Ceausescu who would face execution for war crimes and was executed along with his wife after the fall of the Soviet Union. In some cases, there has been political dynasties in North America. They include the Kennedy's, Bush & Clinton families, and currently the Trudeau family in Canada, that is in power at present. So there are instances of tighter political bonds through family at present time in the West. The German Royal family has existed since Wilhelm II in 1859, though it is a typical bicameral method of governance with the Bundesrat and the Bundestag, the upper and lower house, respectively. Japan still has an Emperor-- Naruhito -- since May 1 2019, and a bicameral political system that functions mostly as an elected parliament.
Political constructs have existed since Neolithic times and they have evolved from an organic element into a sophisticated form of government through bicameral institutions, whether they are of authoritarian or democratic methods. Theocracies have existed since ancient Rome, and encompass Islam in Iran, and Buddhism in Tibet, among other spheres. Theocracies have typical authoritarian tenets and is prevalent today in Iran and Near East nation-states, among others. Tibet, however, criticised for being feudal before the Chinese occupation, is subject to religious constraints by the Chairman of the TAR government - Qi Zhala, representative of the Central government in Beijing, and a member of the CPC for approximately, 37 years. Currently, the strength of collective security through organizations such as the United Nations, NATO, ASEAN, and other forms of economic institutions, enable certain nation states to coalesce on matters that are affecting all citizens in their respective countries. These policy constructs impact bilateral relationships among parties who have economic interests, that more often than not, transcend political interests evolving around human rights issues. The enormous impact of Facebook and Twitter on democratic and authoritarian regimes has shifted the focus from traditional mediums that were safe-zones for leaders towards public opinion where these instruments are permitted, into change - agents that have fostered political change through the Arab Spring, the recent American election, yet, did not ouster the Canadian Prime Minister who became a polarizing figure in 2019. The key is to push democratic values in China, Russia and other closed societies while shutting down the brutal campaign that was witnessed from Islamic State. Let's hope we have learned from the techno influences from the past dozen years, so, that history cannot repeat itself.
Works Cited
Dating back to neolithic times, the family unit consisted of a hierarchy, as it does to the present time. Traditionally the male was the hunter- gatherer and the female raised the family. Politically, we might say that the female was the matriarch and was responsible for the principle decisions affecting the family unit. As societies developed, the males consolidated power in villages and city centres to govern the masses, primarily through economic policies and judicially for those individuals guilty of criminal wrong-doing. As societies continued to develop and expand and with the emergence of sovereign nation - states, in many cases families emerged through wealth to lay claim to the land that they inhabited. In these instances there are the British royal family that dates back to King Alfred the Great in 871. Germany hosted King William I of Prussia since 1871 at the Palace of Versailles until 1918 when the crown was abolished. Suffice it to say, the history of royal families is rooted in Europe, though, Japan, with Emperor Jimmu dates to 660 BCE. In addition, the Chinese monarchy was founded by Genghis Khan in 1206 CE and still exists in one form or another until 2015 (Puren.) One can say that today, Princeling's in the Chinese Central Government are the Party's Crown Prince's and have a hereditary linkage to acclaimed members of the Communist Party. Current President Xi Jinping is considered a Princeling as his father- Xi Zhongxun was a founding principal figure of the CPC (Communist Party of China.) Despite the move away from royal governing parties in the 20th c. there exists a small influential group that govern within a democratic frame-work without gaining wealth in an authoritarian manner, though, those individuals who gained neither fame nor wealth, would argue other-wise. For purposes here, the goal is to look at political families through their forms or constructs in a current sense and whether those groups retain any relevance in the international community or within the borders of their nation - state.
Terrorist Groups
Terrorism, particularly in the late 20th c and early 21st c has taken on a formula stoked in globalisation. Al Qaeda reached sympathisers internationally, while Islamic State through social media and the Internet recruited fighters and support people, including "brides" for those fighters on the front lines in Iraq, Syria, and elsewhere. The entire Islamic fundamentalist oeuvre spread to North America and other regions. Islamaphobia is a term that recognises those individuals or groups that are xenophobic toward immigrants from Muslim nation-states. Canada, France, Britain and other nation-states have had to contend with the effects of multiculturalism on their existing societal norms, while it is fair to say that most immigrants are thankful for a fresh start in a developed democracy that fosters human rights and equality. Terrorism, according to the 'Dictionary of International Relations', dates terrorism to 7th CE : "Muslim world of the assassins." The description of the dictionary cites that the rapid expansion of technological development and through the aforementioned social media and the Internet. The constructs of terrorism splits into state - actors and non state actors. If political ideology is considered, Communist regimes that wield unchecked power without an electorate to check their social policies are guilty of mass human rights abuses that non state actors could never achieve in terms of sheer numbers of victims. In a recent example, Islamic State acted as a hybrid state actor and non state actor with cells operating indiscriminately on a global level with no regard for the security or political systems in the nation state that they are occupying, no matter if the host regime is authoritarian or democratic. Terrorist groups include White Supremacist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan but not the Nazi Party per se, with white nationalist groups sprouting up in European nations and the developed world. Japan, somewhat xenophobic, has minimal issues with Aum Shinrikyo responsible for sarin gas attacks in 1995 and is labeled a terrorist organization by the United States, Canada, and the European Union. Hezbollah is an Islamic nationalist group with its roots in Lebanon that promoted the unification of the Shia interest groups with Iranian support. Hezbollah does provide for basic services similar to the local government, while supporting the Assad regime in Syria and conversely opposing Israel's legitimacy as a sovereign entity. The Liberation Tigres of Tamil Eelam were a Tamil nationalist group advocating for the separation from Sri Lanka. This group had claimed to support the Geneva Convention, yet, executed prisoners of war, while using women and children in conflict. The Black Tigres were an elite division of the main group, that carried out suicide bombings where martyrdom was considered honourable; they were one of the first groups to use hidden explosive belts and vests. The group was militarily defeated in 2009. If we look at the figures of terrorism related activities from 2016 - 2016 the number of hostage takings has dropped dramatically from 15,664 to 8937. Turkey, Yemen, Syria and Iraq recorded significant reductions in attacks. The root cause it would seem is the spike in Islamic fundamentalIsm if Near East nation states that may or may not be owing to Islamic State and Al Qaeda propaganda efforts through social media or other outlets. In addition, the combined efforts of allied countries to combat these attacks would have appeared to led to the downturn in these numbers. Therefore, in this stage of terrorism, the antidote to managing terrorism is a concerted effort by nation states coordinated by desire and not ideology to mitigate against these attacks that threaten and undermine the civil population. Globalization in this context is necessary contrary to the nationalist fervour that has spread internationally, particularly in economic matters.
Authoritarian Regimes
China under Mao proscribed The Great Leap Forward (50 million plus lives lost) and the Cultural Revolution ( 3 million plus lives lost according to British researchers) , the FSU ((Former Soviet Union)) (under Stalinism over 20 million died through "labour camps, forced collectivization, famine, and executions" and Cambodia under Pol Pot (1.5 - 3 million died under the Khmer Rouge) were responsible for campaigns against their own citizens that resulted in mass loss of life. China claiming education centres in Xinjiang Province of ethnic Uyghurs and North Korea with documented gulags are two of the current great offenders of human rights abuses. In 2013, the CCP under Xi Jinping formulated the "Communique on the Current State of the Ideological Sphere" that summoned Party members to dispute seven "false ideological trends" that imagine democracy in a dystopian manner. The list includes: "Western constitutional democracy, the concept of universal values, civil society, neoliberalism, free and independent media, questioning the authenticity of contemporary Chinese socialism, and historical nihilism."1 The current strife in Hong Kong regarding the 'Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation Bill 2019' is seen as a move away from Hong Kong's established judicial system towards an authoritarian decree that potentially puts opponents of the Chinese state at risk and may ultimately see those individuals returned to the mainland to face charges under the Chinese justice system. Currently, as a reference point, China has detained two Canadian's on potential espionage charges and converted another sentence from 15 years to a death penalty for drug trafficking. The arbitrariness stems from the arrest by Canadian officials of Huawei executive- Meng Wanzhou for her role in attempting to sell U.S. equipment to Iran in violation of American sanctions. The Meng extradition to American authorities is before the Canadian courts. The crux of the matter is the arbitrariness of the Chinese judicial system, in particular, and authoritarian regimes, in general. Of course, the most widely recognizable example of the horrors of authoritarianism rests with The Third Reich of Nazi Germany and The Holocaust that was an attempt at ethnic cleansing of the Jewish population, resulting in approximately six million Jewish deaths. Considered in a similar vein, though, not as widespread in the horror through Hitler's concentration camps, is the policy of Apartheid in South Africa (1948-1994) and the current situation in Gaza and the West Bank of Palestinians.
Established Democracies
The heading in a historical sense is a bit of an oxymoron considering that democracy had to emanate from a source of struggle. Thomas Hobbes probably said it best when referring to the state of nature "... a war of everyman against everyman." Hobbes was referring to the self interested nature of individuals in an embryonic sort of state which through development of governmental structures, ameliorates the greater good of all their citizens. What then of government in any form? Self-interested or well meaning? America is seeing a President that is being held in check by the Judiciary and Congress that would have deleterious affects on citizens if not enshrined in the 'Constitution of the United States. Therefore, the spectre of democracy may not seem, at first blush, all that different from authoritarianism. Under the hood, however, the notion of human rights is the bedrock of the system of democracy that includes: freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, etc. For the text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, check this link: Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
If we consider the notion of "Political Families"constructs in political associations, this begins from a nascent position in society and extends beyond ideology. Recently and particularly, since the the founding of the United Nations in 1945 and the advent of collective security, indicates that family structures are still prevalent in the international community regardless of ideology. The essence of politics is premised on the association of individuals in forwarding their own interest through the assimilation of other like-minded individuals. The small group of individuals comprises government officials and they are recognized as the voice of the entire population. The royal family of Great Britain has hosted leaders from all walks of life including authoritarian regimes from Romania that was led by the Nicolai Ceausescu who would face execution for war crimes and was executed along with his wife after the fall of the Soviet Union. In some cases, there has been political dynasties in North America. They include the Kennedy's, Bush & Clinton families, and currently the Trudeau family in Canada, that is in power at present. So there are instances of tighter political bonds through family at present time in the West. The German Royal family has existed since Wilhelm II in 1859, though it is a typical bicameral method of governance with the Bundesrat and the Bundestag, the upper and lower house, respectively. Japan still has an Emperor-- Naruhito -- since May 1 2019, and a bicameral political system that functions mostly as an elected parliament.
Political constructs have existed since Neolithic times and they have evolved from an organic element into a sophisticated form of government through bicameral institutions, whether they are of authoritarian or democratic methods. Theocracies have existed since ancient Rome, and encompass Islam in Iran, and Buddhism in Tibet, among other spheres. Theocracies have typical authoritarian tenets and is prevalent today in Iran and Near East nation-states, among others. Tibet, however, criticised for being feudal before the Chinese occupation, is subject to religious constraints by the Chairman of the TAR government - Qi Zhala, representative of the Central government in Beijing, and a member of the CPC for approximately, 37 years. Currently, the strength of collective security through organizations such as the United Nations, NATO, ASEAN, and other forms of economic institutions, enable certain nation states to coalesce on matters that are affecting all citizens in their respective countries. These policy constructs impact bilateral relationships among parties who have economic interests, that more often than not, transcend political interests evolving around human rights issues. The enormous impact of Facebook and Twitter on democratic and authoritarian regimes has shifted the focus from traditional mediums that were safe-zones for leaders towards public opinion where these instruments are permitted, into change - agents that have fostered political change through the Arab Spring, the recent American election, yet, did not ouster the Canadian Prime Minister who became a polarizing figure in 2019. The key is to push democratic values in China, Russia and other closed societies while shutting down the brutal campaign that was witnessed from Islamic State. Let's hope we have learned from the techno influences from the past dozen years, so, that history cannot repeat itself.
Works Cited
1Tiffert, Glenn. "30 Years After Tiananmen: Memory in the Era of Xi Jinping. " Journal of Democracy.2019, April. 2019, June 14. : pp 38-49.
<>. “Document 9: A ChinaFile Translation,” ChinaFile, 8 November 2013,
2 "Reports on International Terrorism: Statistics on Incidents of Terrorism Worldwide." Jewish Virtual Library: A Project of AICE. 1998-2019. 1 August 2019. <>.
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The Kennedy's -- Camelot |
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Tamil Tigers |
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British Royal family |
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Emperor Naruhito |
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Hezbollah |
Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen Dec.28 2019 deadly blast in Somalia. ![]() |
Symbionese Liberation Party abductions and bank robberies i.e. Patty Hurst 1973-1975 |