Donald Trump: Hoffanian in nature

Recently, I watched the epic Netflix docudrama - The Irishman. It features the name brands of Al Pacino, Robert  DeNiro, and Joe Pesci directed by none other than legendary film extraordionaire  - Martin Scorsese. So, with all the hype that has been bestowed upon its release- after all, this  film was in the making for, rumour has it,  ten years, I expected a Godfather type of film, and, by God, it resembles some of those characteristics of the classic Brando artifact.

The story focuses around the rise of Jimmy Hoffa to Teamster boss, his incarceration, and, ultimately, his demise. Al Pacino plays Hoffa and is superb - Oscar worthy. Pacino portrays Hoffa as a megalomaniac, that, despite, serving less than five years of a 13 year prison sentence, proclaims after his release that "this is my union" which sets up a power struggle that the "higher ups" will not ascribe to. The Teamsters had moved on without Jimmy Hoffa  and not the other way around. Hoffa became collateral damage.

Can the current U.S. President, now impeached, be juxtaposed with the former Teamster union leader?  Both men share a common trait - "iron will" that has and had served them well as they climbed their respective ladders of success. Both  were smitten with the public adoration that is part and parcel of a public magnates daily life. And it would seem, both have failed to interpret the signals that led to their downfall. It is unfathomable that President Trump, having escaped the Mueller Report unscathed, would venture back into the abyss less than 90 days later to play politics with the Ukrainian President to secure an advantage over potential opponent Joe Biden in the 2020 U.S. election.

The long standing joke regarding the disappearance of Hoffa  was the location of his body. One report suggested under the old Meadowland's stadium in New Jersey- a fitting place for a crime boss, Tony Soprano, notwithstanding.

Robert DeNiro portrays Al Sheeran who, like Hoffa, climbs the ladder of the union and organized crime to become a confidante to Hoffa and a trusted lieutenant. Ultimately, DeNiro er Sheeran has to follow the bosses orders and Hoffa's fate is sealed at a house in Detroit and according to the script - cremated after Sheeran murders him with two bullets to the back of his head.

The current malaise that Mr. Trump finds himself in is one where he needs the support of the U.S. Senate controlled  by another megalomaniac - Mitch McConnell, in order to circumvent the impeachment process and keep his  job as President. Is McConnell this "shows" version of Sheeran? Or, is  former New York mayor and part of his legal team, Rudolph Giuliani the "Pilate"? Trump might even seem Hoffanian who beat a full prison sentence.

A recent article in a British  rag proclaims that Nostradamus foresaw/sees Mr Trump meeting his maker in 2020. The failure to step away from a situation that is descending into a (public opinion is dropping in support for Mr. Trump) slippery slope that threatens Donald Trumps legacy and perhaps his personal well being suggests poor advice from his people. Trump may well get re-elected and live to fight another day. The Republican Party has some talented people waiting in the wings, however,  like Marco Rubio, the Florida Senator, waiting for an opportunity.  Politics being a zero sum game, why not ride the hot hand even if it is slightly singed. 

I said to an associate a while back, that what America needs is a third Party to act as a ballast against the bitter partisanship that embroils Washington, no matter who is in power.  And, really, the Federal government should help fund this entity to bolster democracy in the United States. America has had some strong independents such as Ross Perot and the maverick - Ralph Nader. However, shifting to a three Party system will mean redrawing the lines in the House and Senate. America is due for a re-drawing of its approach politically, and we can thank Donald Trump for the awakening. In the meantime, if you have three hours and twenty - nine minutes to burn, check out The Irishman.