Race relations in the U.S. hit another speed bump
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George Floyd - Wiki |
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Rodney King - Wiki |
If anarchy is the absence of government, then we can't say that COVID - 19 has embroiled us in that medium. It has, however,created the notion of dissent in our minds.Absent, social programs to unite citizens, the Libertarian must be frothing at the mouth, taxes should be reduced with government services shuttered, yet here we are with huge government deficits to try and keep society afloat. Surely, that must be anarchy. There does,however, seem to be law and order in these parts of Ontario.
Now, should the malaise in the U.S. spread to our cops here, then we have another social pandemic to manage. And, of course, there is no excuse for what happened to George Floyd in Minnesota, and the older man in Buffalo. Pandemics highlight social ills. It is distressing to think we haven't moved the needle much since Martin Luther King and, remember the late, Rodney King, who said "can't we all just get along." King was a victim of police brutality in 1991 after being arrested on I - 210. King was an African American man. Then L.A. Police Chef Daryl Gates, said that King was struck by batons "between 53 and 56 times." King received a broken right leg during the beating and also was struck with a 50,000 volt stun gun. Ultimately, three officers were acquitted and a fourth officer was spared by a hung jury. The aftermath of the acquittals resulted in outrage among racial minorities. Rioting lasted six days with 63 people killed and 2383 injured. So, 29 years later we are still abusing power fuelled by race relations. While some criticize Affirmative Action, it has a place among officials in, particularly, white states like Minnesota.
The U.S. is in such a state of turmoil that even Chinese media is criticizing American officials all while Hong Kong and Taiwan held vigils for those massacred during the Tiananmen Square incident in 1989 (April 15 - June 4.) Donald Trump has crashed in recent polls (53,9% Disapprove/ 41.6% Approve according to fivethirtyeight.com,) and re-election seems precarious, at best. Harry S Truman and Gerald Ford were in similar straits, although Truman's chart looked like a Bell Curve. Jobless figures are at 13.3 % for May, while analysts expected a 20% figure. Businesses are re-opening and this led the surge. Trump may have life if he can get out of the George Floyd debacle without utilising the National Guard. Have to say the good ol' days when Barrack Obama was i n office seem like another century. In the meantime, let's hope for a COVID - 19 vaccine, cooler heads on the streets and on the front lines, and restraint among officials in the CPC and its neighbours in the South China Sea region.