Trump Administration on Life Support in Dying Days
If public opinion is the synthesis of individual opinions and beliefs shared by a subset of a population, then, based on the aftermath of President Donald Trump's inciting his followers on Tuesday evening, he should resign immediately. Despite that he has two weeks to finish his term, he is an clear and present danger to American's as he refuses to accept the November 2020 election results, and is determined to get his pound of flesh no matter. And, intentional or not, five people have died because of the failed coup d'état on Capital Hill in Washington. House Leader Nancy Pelosi is calling for President Trump to resign immediately or face a second impeachment. Mr. Trump should call the movers and be happy for the opportunity to preside over the Presidency for four years. Not bad for a real estate magnate! Based on the damage his followers have caused due to his Twitter rants, arresting or detaining Trump would be totally reasonable. Why risk any more carnage? Washington police officer Brian D. Sicknick died from his injuries defending the legislature and democracy. This situation in Washington harkens back to the coup in Moscow as the Soviet Union was crumbling and Boris Yeltsin was seizing power. The Russian coup d'état was organized by opponents of Mikhail Gorbachev and his reforms to democratize the Soviet Union. The Russian coup lasted two days and destabilized the country, that ultimately led to the collapse of the Russian government. The crux of the problem for Russia then was that Gorbachev's reforms were intended to decentralize power from the centre to the republics. For President Trump, hard liners are trying to over-throw an election result claiming fraudulent ballots skewed the outcome. Meanwhile. the international community is watching with great concern as the global super-power stumbles about until President - Elect Joe Biden is inaugurated on Wednesday, January 20. Sadly, Chinese authorities are watching with a healthy dose of schadenfreude as the central government simply shuts down dissenting voices never mind allowing regular folks an opportunity to oppose the CCP (Chinese Communist Party.) President Trump has done well to stand up to Chinese belligerence in Tibet, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan. For that he should be commended where all of his predecessors have failed. Ultimately, though, he has met with disaster the most important aspect of a democratically elected leader and that is to safeguard their citizens. Mr Trump should be remembered for seeking to protect those rights of the previously aforementioned folks under Chinese rule. It is unacceptable that he failed his own people during the pandemic and now to satiate his own anger over the 2020 election result. Now, we can see that the "tyranny of the majority" has created a disconnect from what America's founding fathers intended with a bi cameral government to check the powers of the governing party where bicameralism has worked well in America were personal freedoms and democracy operate as a republic. The constraints on the American system are the continual partisan politics that paralyze Washington. A third party with a moderate ideology would go a long way to support democracy and in turn sow those seeds internationally. For now, Americans must manage COVID - 19 and keep their political opinions muted and out of the public eye until January 21. Tonight - January 8, Twitter has silenced the king of the hill while he plots a new medium to voice his opinions; it is a slice of China where the central government has banned Twitter & Facebook, instead, allowing for government controlled Weibo. I will miss the Trump Administration standing tall against China. Lets hope the Biden Administration can pass muster on the China file and maintain those arms sales to Taiwan to protect their democracy from PLA authoritarian gestures. Biden's Democrats will no doubt be more competent on domestic issues with control of the Senate looking plausible after Georgia concludes polling data - absentee and provisional ballots are in Democratic counties. Will Nancy Pelosi succeed in getting President Trump impeached a second time reeks of political opportunism. Donald Trump is a proud man who will not resign. Better to let him fade away than burn out.