Canada's Trudeau Liberal's leaving Canadians a huge hole to dig out from under
My dad was a hard core Liberal, born in 1917 in a small town in southern Ontario. Pop, in a small d - experienced the Great Depression and later the effects of WW2 and the aftermath. This is where his allegiance to the Liberal Party of Canada would have begun. The LPC under MacKenzie King were the innovators of the modern Canadian welfare state and THE "Big Tent" party that welcome many immigrants to Canada, and rightly so. Liberal's are adept in sales, strong in debate, and are wise to the pulse of the international community in attracting new Canadians to the Canadian landscape. But, like a gambler at a casino, fail to see the long - term consequences of their policies.
In 2015 Canadians were struck by Justin Trudeau's boyish good looks, and he was pretty skilled with a smart phone, too. And, like a strong political lineage, think John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Pierre Trudeau, and even authoritarian "leader" Hafez al - Assad and now his son, Bashar, a retail political imperative prevails. Social media has proven to be an effective staging ground for Justin Trudeau to connect with the Liberal base, potential voters, and Liberal honeymooners from all walks of life. Trudeau can do this, ad nauseam as the Prime Minister and for all of the reasons mentioned. Given JT's propensity to step into political firestorms from time to time i.e. he is capable of looking anyone in the eye with apparent sincerity - see Jody Wilson - Raybould and offer the moon. If the Trudeau Foundation supports his views, so much the better. Thankfully, David Johnson has come to his senses. Senate Chair Advisory Board - Head Honcho - Huguette Labelle (a Trudeau Foundation and Aga Khan Museum, alumnus,) has not. Now 84, Dr. Labelle is hanging onto whatever scraps the Liberal Party will offer. Mitchell Sharp did the same for incoming Prime Minister Chretien in 1993. Only thing is that, Sharp, a former Pierre Trudeau cabinet minister, in a fete of agnostic pork barrel politics, performed this role for one dollar per year. Imagine Justin's hand picked Governor General, Mary Simon and her entourage being asked to eat quiche and caviar on their Canadian taxpayer funded sojourns.
Justin Trudeau's foreign policy has hurt our standing in the international community and we cannot effectively defend ourselves without support from our Allies (notably, the U.S.) while Justin's domestic policies are creating divisions in western Canada, like his father did with the NEP (National Energy Program.) As one million new Canadians seek greener pastures and a new way of life in Canada in 2023 to 2025 anually, many Canadians face homelessness and skyrocketing home prices that leave them in a paradox of high mortgage rates and few rental units available to serve the Canadian market.
Before the last Canadian election, in an email with Conrad Black, I listed Lester Pearson and Stephen Harper as my top choices for Canadian Prime Ministers, at least, in my then 60 years. Mr. Black responded with Louis St Laurent -who, he had met, and Brian Mulroney, as his choices.
Justin Trudeau cryptically said in 2015 "The budget will balance itself." So far, in Justin Trudeau's tenure as PM, inflation adjusted debt per person has increased 35.3 according to a study by the Fraser Institute, while acknowledging the impact of COVID-19. If Canada is to be saved from this collection of Liberal erreurs, vote for common sense in the next Canadian election. Pierre Poilievre and the Coservative Party of Canada, present the best choice for positive change.