Tibet in 2023
This chart demonstrates the ongoing elements of apartheid that have been occurring inside Tibet for over 60 years. Chinese authorities are transforming Tibetan society into another Chinese province. Dr. Gyal Lo wrote in a New York Times piece on September 23, 2023 "The One Million Tibetan Children in China’s Boarding Schools" The One Million Tibetan Children in China’s Boarding Schools that the central government is culturally brainwashing the next generations of Tibetan children in Chinese boarding schools eradicating parental rights and breaking apart families in the process of Sinicizing Tibetan children. Gyal quotes one father "...Though it had only been three months since the girls had started at the school, my brother described how they were already beginning to distance themselves from their Tibetan identity. On weekends, when they could return from school to their family, they rejected the food at home. They became less interested in our Buddhist traditions and spoke Tibetan less frequently. Most alarmingly, they were growing emotionally estranged from our family." Chinese authorities pattern of undermining grassroots elements to promote a One China policy permeates established democracies that existed before Mao established the Peoples Republic of China. Tibet was the first domino fo fall, now Hong Kong, and Taiwan is under siege with Chinese forces deploying grey zone tactics to try and force Taiwanese officials to capitulate to a "one country two systems" that has skewered human rights in Hong Kong. And so, China's use of boarding schools within Tibet is another grey zone tactic to control the mandate of the CPC (Communist Party of China.)
Sadly, the UN and international community failed Tibet in the 1950's leading up to the present day malaise. With Xi Jinping facing many challenges domestically, and an objective to build his legacy through the Party supported - Xi Jinping Thought- that mirrors Mao's own edict, China's patience appears to have run its course by 2027 on invading Taiwan. Continuing problems with The Philippines could delay matters if the US is involved in supporting Manila through the US-Philippines security treaty, and VFA (Visiting Forced Agreement.) As usual, Tibetans are left to accept the situation on the ground. The CPC doesn't care to try to understand Tibetan culture and norms; Tibet is a parcel of land that is being altered to support the whims of the Central Government. They see Tibetans as unsophisticated and lacking in the wherewithal to live their lives in a productive manner that is unique from China's mainland. Ironically, Tibetans were doing this for time immemorial before Mao's troops showed up with the promise of fairness implicit in a "17 Point Agreement"The 17-point Agreement – What China promised, what it really delivered and the future? with the current Dalai Lama that they reneged on in the 1950's, so much so, that the Dalai Lama had to flee to India in March 1959 to avoid arrest, punishment, and possibly death. Today the TGIE -Tibetan Government in Exile is based in Dharamsala, India.
Kalon Norzin Dolma is a Tibetan exiled Foreign Minister who is meeting French officials to discuss China's assimilation policies in Tibet. Se acknowledges there were negotiations between the Dalai Lama's officials and Chinese officials between 2002 - 2010. China has little appetite for conceding anything that may weaken their position i.e. they consider The Dalai Lama a "splittist." Here is a transcript of her interview in late December 2023- Tibet’s exiled leaders visit Paris as Chinese repression continues China is in a weakened position due to COVID related economic decisions, high youth unemployment, a property market bubble, and over consumption of building that has left too many units unoccupied. Xi must weather this storm; now would be an opportune moment to align the international community to negotiate improved conditions on the Tibetan Plateau.