The Scourge of Tibet

The Central Government continues to ferret
rules of engagement as it is closing Tibet’s
borders for ten days between October 18-
28, while the Communist Party holds
meetings of the 19th National Congress.
I’ve got to wonder if Xi would make time
for “agencies” if trade value was at stake.
As usual, it is “do as I say or pay more”
else-where. And really, why are developed
nation-states subsidizing the Chinese
economy at the expense of home-grown R
& D and jobs. We’ve taken a wrong turn
and now it is a time for a serious re-think
about rogue nation-states that flout
human rights and their place in our
democratized orbit. China can get there,
but, not when we have tunnel vision on
“factory of the world” procurements. Stand
up for Tibet; she deserves the dignity. Tibet
is not unlike the rain forest, with her
delicate eco-system. Cluttering her
environment with super- highways and
high speed rail, nuclear waste and other
forms of pollution only hastens the
debilitating effects of climate change in
neighbouring countries; India
notwithstanding. Meanwhile, Chinese
officials still continue to impose control
over citizens that celebrate the Dalai
Lama’s birthday which takes place on July
6. Chinese officials will wait until His
Holiness ascends and then name a
successor as they did with the Panchen
Lama. Congressional talks ring familiar.

Chariot’s received some love when it was
selected for a recommended reading list
for a course at St. Andrew’s University in
Scotland. I’m humbled and thankful.
Recommended Reading for “Agency and
Strategy in Non-Western Political Thought
(2015-16) and Fall 2017” at St. Andrew
University, Scotland. Week Six.
Week 6:Self-Immolation by Fire
Recommended Reading
Chariots of Fire: a Tibetan Historical
Perspective –– Kevin Kieswetter, 2014

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